Ñ option to print a catalog without page numbers added
Ñ menu items for navigating in multi page files added
Ñ slideshow toolbox can now display the move folder names
Ñ option to disable the recent items menu added
Ñ support for Action Files added (you can set a folder in convert more when you press the option key above a folder in the Finder)
Ñ bug in list creation fixed
Ñ bug in catalog printing fixed
Ñ bug in batch conversion with gamma change fixed
Ñ problem with error -48 during icon creation of some files under MacOS 8.5 fixed
Ñ error handling of corrupt/incomplete GIFs improved
Ñ support for new GEM Metafiles with color in opcode 138 added
Ñ bug with duplicate 'icns' resource during icon creation fixed
Ñ scale dialog will calculate the second value (in propertional mode) also upon pressing OK
Ñ other changes
Changes 3.5
Ñ support for creation of new 32 bit icons for MacOS 8.5 added
Ñ support for Navigation Services added
Ñ import of ONCOR added
Ñ import of MAYA-IFF added
Ñ import and export of PalmPilot PDB files added
Ñ import of DICOM files improved
Ñ import of 16 bit gray TIFFs added
Ñ automatic decoding of uuencoded files added
Ñ automatic decoding of mime/base64-decoded files added
Ñ additional option to scale an image to get square pixels upon opening
Ñ additional option to show comments in the slideshow added
Ñ additional option for generation of a list added
Ñ option to set file date from JPEG internal comment added to browser
Ñ Photoshop filter support improved (PPC filters are now supported)
Ñ catalog printing improved
Ñ CGM import improved
Ñ import bug in IFF format fixed
Ñ fixed a problem with writing empty comments to a JPEG
Ñ fixed a problem with the slideshow (only by parallel use of the Navigation Services)
Ñ bug in detection of PICT size fixed
Ñ bug with doubling JPEG comments fixed
Ñ updating bug of window menu fixed
Ñ bug in slideshow from storyboard fixed
Ñ crash after opening of corrupt JPEGs fixed
Ñ problem with hiding/showing of the menu bar in the slideshow under MacOS 8.5 fixed
Ñ wrong window name after compare fixed
Ñ option to add a margin after rotation of a selection added
Ñ bug with open recent fixed
Ñ the browser will now display the PICT preview from EPS files (if available)
Ñ bug in export of PDB files fixed
Ñ bug in saving of PNG files with alpha channel fixed
Ñ the creation of a preview will no longer change the file modification date
Ñ bug in file size display of HTML catalogs fixed
Ñ faster feedback after detection of an error
Ñ translation bugs fixed
Ñ open/save color table to edit color dialog added
Ñ bug in save of color table fixed
Ñ wrong detection of ALIAS Pix files fixed
Ñ crash in standard file dialog fixed
Ñ display speed of open dialog improved
Ñ crash during use of treshold in convert more fixed
Ñ bug during deletion of a file in the browser in the German version fixed
Ñ import bug of WMFs that contains only one bitmap fixed
Ñ cancel during call of Ghostscript added
Ñ graphics will be inserted with correct size into layout by default
Ñ support for Navigation Services added
Ñ dimension selection to information window added
Ñ other internal changes
Changes 3.4.1:
Ñ bug in ANIM import fixed
Ñ auto rename feature to catalog creation in convert more added
Ñ layout display the picture size during resizing
Ñ import bug in ATARI colors from FLH files fixed
Ñ catalog save in html format saves now the relative picture path
Ñ WMF import improved
Ñ import of Scitex RGB files added
Ñ memory leak in Threshold preview fixed
Ñ bug in BNDL resource fixed
Ñ translation bugs fixed
Ñ zoom menu added
Ñ import of JPEGs with additional bytes at the beginning added
Ñ communication problem with Ghostscript 5.5 fixed
Changes 3.4:
Ñ import of FLH added
Ñ import of FlashPix added
Ñ import of PS files with the help of Ghostscript added
Ñ import of TIFFs with XIFF extension from Xerox added
Ñ import options for RAW images improved
Ñ import speed of JPEGs improved
Ñ import of non planar TIFFs added
Ñ import of BUF added
Ñ import/play back of IFF ANIMs added (method 5 only, yet)
Ñ EXIF import improved
Ñ preview function for effects added
Ñ support for import of WMFs without header added
Ñ support for Export plug-ins added
Ñ support for scanning plug-ins added (new import menu command in the file menu)
Ñ brightness/contrast and level dialog works now with selections
Ñ sliders for treshold and gamma change added
Ñ effects work with selections
Ñ option to configure PC Exchange added
Ñ bug with shift key during use of the tools fixed
Ñ scale command checks now for the QuickDraw limits
Ñ optional display of path in slideshow added
Ñ problem with batch conversion of PSD files fixed
Ñ IPTC batch import in JPEGs from a text file with convert more added
Ñ memory leak during slideshow of true color images fixed
Ñ memory leak in browser fixed
Ñ bug with renaming in the browser fixed
Ñ copy put the selection with the current pen mode and transparency settings in the clipboard
Ñ the creator of the hmtl catalog files can be set now
Ñ list can now saved as a text file or copied to the clipboard
Ñ HTML catalog creation improved (automatic creation of forward/backward references)
Ñ plug-in calling to action in convert more added
Ñ detail window will be updated during change of a selection
Ñ bug in import of large PNG files fixed
Ñ bug during use of eraser in reduced images fixed
Ñ basic support for import of exif information from JPEGs added
Ñ bug in jumping in the browser with keys fixed
Ñ bug with move in slide show fixed
Ñ swap fields function added
Ñ rename during copy/move in browser added
Ñ Acorn Sprite support improved
Ñ rename feature during convert in convert more added
Ñ esc unselect now a selection, delete remove a selection
Ñ rotate preserve the display scaling
Ñ bug/crash during drag and drop in browser fixed
Ñ browser will display a graphical window upon duplicate filenames
Ñ support for propertional resizing in layout window with shift key added
Ñ cursor key support to resource selection window added
Ñ verb point to period changed in dialogs
Ñ untranslated verb bug fixed
Ñ cycle through windows with command + tab added
Ñ stop and continue of slideshow added (press shift key in the file menu to get the menu item)
Ñ support for Acorn Sprite import added
Ñ pressing of the shift key will cause a square selection with the marque tool
Ñ bug in conversion of FLI to GIF fixed
Ñ error message during slideshow with aliases to folders fixed
Ñ bug in scaling of pictures with alpha channel fixed
Ñ error message during batch scale fixed
Ñ internal changes
Changes 3.3.1:
Ñ change of label in the browser works now with folders
Ñ the translucent dragging (on PPCs) can be disabled in the prefs
Ñ spelling bugs fixed
Ñ dialog before opening of a file with the same name can be disabled
Ñ subfolders in the browser only will be scanned when the folder list is visible
Ñ GraphicConverter will now resolve aliases in the plug-in folder
Ñ folder list in the browser will use the font from the prefs
Ñ support for scaling of pictures with alpha channel added
Ñ bug during opening of large TIFF files fixed
Ñ bug during resizing of selections fixed
Ñ bug with drawing of horizontal and vertical lines with anti-aliassing fixed
Ñ bug with scrolling of large files fixed
Ñ bug with default position of tool dialogs fixed
Ñ crash during conversion of files with convert more in the background fixed
Changes 3.3:
Ñ option to modify the label to browser added
Ñ option to bypass the keyword dialog for VPB files in convert more added
Ñ new folder option to browser added
Ñ fill selection menu item to edit menu added
Ñ median filter added
Ñ notification before overwriting of multipage TIFFs added
Ñ backspace and delete key delete the selected items
Ñ creation of multipage TIFFs in convert more added (click on options to enable/disable the option)
Ñ command click in the menu title of a window will display a menu with the folders that contain the picture; the selected folder will be opened in the finder
Ñ option for showing invisible files added to open dialog
Ñ XPM export will now write only the used colors to create smaller files
Ñ browser improved (preview and folder list added)
Ñ switching between copy and move of files now with the option key (like in the Finder)
Ñ convert more will now select the last folder after a folder up command
Ñ F5 key in browser refreshes the list
Ñ convert more dialog is now resizeable
Ñ open with items in context menu in browser are now in a submenu
Ñ expand/contract of selections support now different settings for x and y axis
Ñ import and export of VPB files with alpha channel added
Ñ convert more uses now a normal moveable window
Ñ context menu in layers improved
Ñ trim selection and expand/contract selection to context menu added
Ñ import bug during import of TIFFs with bad bits array fixed
Ñ shift key will be checked during drawing of lines, rectangles and circles
Ñ XPM export will set the transparent color to None and the structure will have the filename without extension
Ñ anti-alias for lines, rectangles and circles added
Ñ rectangles and circles can be drawn from the center
Ñ 32K limit in slideshow list fixed
Ñ you can no select more files with a rectangle in the browser (you have to start the move with pressed mouse key in the upper left of a preview)
Ñ import of layered Photoshop files added
Ñ import of NASA Raster Metafile added
Ñ display time of overview window for large pictures much improved
Ñ tab key will now hide or show all tool windows
Ñ creation time for preview for large pictures much improved
Ñ clicking in the movie options will now set the changed flag
Ñ CompactPro archives will now ignored upon opening
Ñ the preference will will now be updated and not new created; so, the label stay the same
Ñ new tool for moving and sizing of GIF frames to the toolbar added; this will avoid conflicts with the selection tool
Ñ the browser will ignore now special finder and system files for the preview creation
Ñ the ibeam cursor will be used for the file name editing in the browser
Ñ redraw bug in toolbox in slideshow fixed
Ñ the radius for the rounded rectangle tool is editable
Ñ support for biorad sequences added
Ñ support for larger metafiles added
Ñ import bug in FITS animations fixed
Ñ support for Home and End key in browser added
Ñ possible color table bug during batch conversion of PICTs from resource fixed
Ñ printing of browser window added
Ñ possible crash after trim command fixed
Ñ button for zoom in and out to windows added
Ñ bug in a few colors of the netscape color table fixed
Ñ bug in creation of pnot resource for files with description and keywords fixed
Ñ better error handling in the browser
Ñ better context handling in the browser
Ñ bug in import of CMYK TIFFs fixed
Ñ bug in vectorizing fixed
Ñ bug in use of plug-in filters that create a new window fixed
Ñ bug with disappearing selections after rotation fixed
Ñ bug during display of PCDs in browser fixed
Ñ bug during import of PPATs fixed
Ñ bug during export of B&W PBMs fixed
Ñ bug in export of IFF files fixed
Ñ bug in export of PAC files fixed
Ñ bug in menu handling during editing of JPEG comments fixed
Ñ bug during resizing of selections fixed
Ñ bug during display of animated gifs with mixed lokal and global color table fixed
Ñ bug in filter handling fixed (the srcBytes field will now be set)
Ñ bug with key command for file deletion in slide show fixed
Ñ the browser can now display and sort for the creation and modification date
Changes 3.2.1:
Ñ╩slideshow with find added
Ñ╩pausing of slideshow with keyboard added
Ñ╩move in slideshow will switch to the next picture after move
Ñ╩resizing of animated GIFs added
Ñ╩extension can be disabled for catalog option
Ñ╩corner for filename can be selected in movie creation in convert more
Ñ╩copy as HTML added to edit menu (with option key)
Ñ╩bug in resizing of zoomed GIF animations fixed
Ñ╩bug in import of TIFFs with short strip offset field fixed
Ñ╩pixel offset after zoom fixed
Ñ╩crash during reading of WMFs with corrupt bitmap fixed
Ñ╩crash during opening of a storyboard in the slideshow, browser, convert more fixed
Ñ╩other minor bugs fixed
Changes 3.2:
Ñ import of X-Face added
Ñ export of X-Face added
Ñ import of ElectronicImage format added
Ñ import of QuickTime qtif added (requires QuickTime 3.0 or later)
Ñ import of grayscale Biorad images added
Ñ renaming during slideshow added (shortcut: command r)
Ñ move during slideshow added (shortcut: command 1,2,3..0); the folders can be defined in the prefs
Ñ storyboard window added:
Ñ fill tool supports now a tolerance (double click on the tool) and requires less memory
Ñ trim option supports now a tolerance (new menu item)
Ñ trim batch function allows now to specify the color and a tolerance
Ñ tolerance to find and replace added
Ñ trim can now be limited to a special direction
Ñ function to compare images added
Ñ support for import of CGMs with bitmaps added
Ñ option for fast sorting added to the prefs (only for normal scripts)
Ñ import and export plug-ins will appear in the apple menu
Ñ support for import of GIF animations with zero loop added
Ñ out of memory message during convert more with protocol will be forwarded to the protocol
Ñ possible crash during save of MacPaint files fixed
Ñ QuickTime graphic import can be disabled in the prefs
Ñ redraw bug of clipboard window fixed
Ñ possible hang during use of lasso tool fixed
Ñ image changed flag will be set correctly after gamma and treshold
Ñ bug in saving of resolution value to JPEGs fixed
Ñ speed of saving of JPEGs with comments and/or IPTC improved
Ñ bug in saving of LOWSRC GIFs fixed
Ñ bug in length of IFF BODY chunk fixed
Ñ trash function in slideshow/browser will no use the scriptable finder
Ñ check for exceed of limit during resolution change added
Ñ ibeam cursor corrected
Ñ bug during export of PNG files with less than 8 bit with ADAM 7 interlacing fixed
Ñ command click on the arrow in the convert more dialog will set the folders the other direction
Ñ bug with extension for long names in convert more fixed
Ñ the footer can be removed in the browser
Ñ additional option key with the cursor keys in the browser will close the previous window
Ñ go to picture by typing the beginning of it's name in the browser
Ñ PLUG type to BNDL resource added
Ñ bug during export of PICTs with alpha channel fixed
Ñ callback procedure added to plug-in calls
Ñ bug with progress bar in in plug-in calls fixed
Ñ crash in level dialog on 68k machines fixed
Ñ double click in the browser checks now the mouse position
Changes 3.1.1:
Ñ╩change of resolution marks the picture as changed
Ñ╩bug with export plug-ins in convert more fixed
Ñ╩browser will ask before opening 10 or more files at the same time
Ñ╩import of SKETCH added
Ñ╩import of MSX2+ added (extension *.S12)
Ñ╩crash during import of TIFFs with page tag fixed
Ñ╩use of MacOS 8 tool windows added
Ñ╩Gamma fade bug on fast machines fixed
Ñ╩handle point display bug with zoomed images fixed
Ñ╩qt movie export saves now the alpha channel
Ñ╩performance of level dialog improved
Ñ╩convert more: auto convert is now available without a selection
Ñ╩eraser frame will be shown during erasing
Ñ╩bug in saving of pictures with more than 256 colors fixed
Ñ╩batch filters are now sorted alphabetical
Ñ╩sharpen edges added to batch in convert more
Ñ╩GraphicConverter will display a note for MBM export with depth that are not supported by the PSION 5
Ñ╩memory leak during export of large animations as qt movie fixed
Ñ╩CALS support added
Ñ╩creation of IRB tag in JPEGs with IPTC record added
Ñ╩option to set the file creator for saved files added to the prefs
Ñ╩option for left handed person to the pen tool added
Ñ╩MBM import bug (light & dark gray) fixed
Ñ╩support for import of multipage MBMs added
Ñ╩MBM export bug fixed (wrong header len)
Ñ╩bug with alert message in JPEG options fixed
Ñ╩"Don't show again" option to note alerts added
Ñ╩fixed an error message during drag & drop on 68K machines
Changes 3.1
Ñ╩BioRad import added
Ñ╩PSION 5 (MBM) export added
Ñ╩PSION 5 (MBM) import improved (support of color added)
Ñ╩KDC (Kodak Digital Camera) import for PPCs added
Ñ╩QNT import added
Ñ╩JBI import added
Ñ╩DICOM import added
Ñ╩FaxSTF import added
Ñ╩SCITEX import improved:
- LW support added
- BM support added
- resolution detection added
- separation detection added
Ñ╩the Photo-CD plug-in is no longer required for PCD import
Ñ╩PICT import requires less memory
Ñ╩context menu support for MacOS 8 added
Ñ╩context menu replacement for pre MacOS 8 systems added
Ñ╩multipage TIFF will be printed complete with the "Print" command
Ñ╩IPTC support added
- new command "File Info" in the "File" menu
- files will be saved with an ANPA resource
- keywords will be saved to the STR# resource
- caption will be saved to a TEXT resource
- open/save of IPTC data in Photoshop format
Ñ╩Drag & Drop of files from the browser to the finder added
Ñ╩translucent dragging of images added
Ñ╩sorting bug in the browser for 2 byte languages fixed
Ñ╩new option to display the size and date to browser added
Ñ╩RGB colors can be modified in decimal or hex now
Ñ╩shortcuts for rotating of images added
Ñ╩values correction bug in levels dialog fixed
Ñ╩levels to batch in convert more added
Ñ╩crash during slide show with large files fixed
Ñ╩bug with wrong initial background color fixed
Ñ╩click in edit filed into browser added
Ñ╩possible crash during preview creation in browser fixed
Ñ╩treshold to batch added
Ñ╩application wide support for Natural Order added
Ñ╩play command in the picture menu has now an accessible shortcut
Ñ╩bug in windows ico export fixed
Ñ╩support for description tag in TGA import and export added
Ñ╩scaling option for font in WMF import added
Ñ╩renaming in convert more will no longer add a dot for empty extensions
Ñ╩auto black and white in levels ignore 0.5% of the pixels
Ñ╩size detection problem in PICT files fixed (the "Ignore Scaling" command was removed now)
Ñ╩wrong ictb resource for File Info dialog removed
Ñ╩menu offset bug in the "About Plug-ins" menu fixed (introduced with 3.1b3)
Ñ╩bug in display/playback of animated GIFs with transparent background fixed
Ñ╩redraw bug of overview and detail during display of animated GIFs fixed
Ñ╩save of changed frames in PICS sequences added
Ñ╩color problem on displays with 256 colors fixed
Ñ╩cosmetic problem of the color tabe index after minimize color table fixed
Ñ╩support for setting of the folder in "Convert More" with Default Folder 2.7.7 or later added